This is a pic of my rear wheel after a rather interesting set of intervals on the road.
Fortunately I was most of the way through the fourth and last interval when then was a sudden bang and the back of the bike began wobbling rather precariously.
The bang indicated a sudden blow out, the cause was somewhat surprising, a long strip of the rim had broken away completely.
With the bead of the tyre now free there was not point changing the tube so I had to ride the remaining 7k back to the car on a totally flat tyre. Quite how I managed to do this without falling off was most surprising
23rd August - Withington Wheelers 10M TT
Saturday afternoon was my second and final time trial of the year om the J2/1 course near Macclesfield. It's a simple course with a couple of roundabouts to negotiate, but not necessarily the quickest either. I did plenty of warm up and then lined up ready. It was basically a hard effort for the whole thing, though the head wind on the way out didn't make it the easiest of rides either.
By the time if crossed the finish line, my lungs were ready to burst through my chest and the quads were burning, so I was certainly glad it was over.
Finishing time was 25:49, so whilst not the slowest there is definitely room for improvement and I will be looking to do a few more TT's next year as part of the build up for my events.
This coming weekend on the 31st will be my second middle distance race of the year and since my comeback. I think I am ready, I'm not putting any expectations on myself other than to finish as well as I can. It will also represent 2 years since I started back in triathlon so keep an eye on the blog for my race report and review of the last 2 years.
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